San Leandro Patch: (Unpaid) Bloggers Wanted

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7 Comments on “San Leandro Patch: (Unpaid) Bloggers Wanted”

  1. Craig Williams says:

    I am a commentor. I always thought schools, elementary, middle and high schools could help improve students writing skills through creating their own bloggs.I ran the idea passed one of my sons teachers. Maybe the school board could ponder this idea.
    The late Dennis Hopper was known to recruit actors during the hippie era and not pay them. He would give them a place to crash and a bag of weed and figured they would be happy with the deal. Maybe the Patch could take a page from his approach.

    • I was actually thinking, Craig, that doing a Patch blog may be good for you – at least at the beginning. Eventually they’d shut you down, but you could get some postings out of the way at first 🙂
      As for kids, my guess is that most of them already have blogs. Either that, or blogs have become too declase, and are thought to be for old farts like us.

      • Craig Williams says:

        That’s a thought, about me blogging. Maybe the schools could form student committees with supervision to develop the blogs since it might be intimidating at first for kids.
        Also check out the interview on Against the Grain on KPFA today it’s archived and even available through Facebook.

        • Well, think about it. If you don’t want to do Patch you can try joining me here. I would like it to be not just me. Other voices would be welcomed. And the offer goes to anyone else as well who has something interesting and coherent to say (that somewhat relates to San Leandro).

          • Craig Williams says:

            You might want to do a story on Commercial Property taxes. It’s a scam in California , a big part of the states woes.Lenny Goldberg is doing some good work on the issue. Check out his interview on 4.19.11 on Againstthe which is archived. He’s on with Jeff Lustig editor of Remaking California.
            He mentions CVS .The place downtown on E14th St. pays about $14,000 a year probably less than some residential property owners. I once saw a high school kid get tackled by an employee outside their store and grind his hace a little into the concrete for shoplifting some candy. The store shoplifts about $30,000 to $40,000 a year from the city and school coffers , yet no politicians talks about the scam.

  2. Craig Williams says:

    There’s also a good story in the Bay Guardian this week about how police officers are also working as spies for the FBI.Is this also happening in San Leandro and are they double dipping ang getting paid by both the city and feds?They don’t raise that question in the article but it could be a way to ease the budget problems.

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